Sunday, September 11, 2011

Make your own posters

This flood-induced four day weekend gave me time to spend doing research on various educational and/or technology topics. I discovered a online behavior management system, a way to structure my language arts time, and many other interesting things. But, I am absolutely in love with the site Block Posters!
On this site, you can design your own posters in a program like Microsoft Publisher, save them as an image file and the site will create a PDF for you that you can piece together. I created this poster as a standard 8.5 X 11 inch sign, and Block Posters turned it into this...

This is perfect for those objectives that you want to display, and wish you had a poster that said exactly what you want it to. This could be done for reading vocabulary, daily routines, or creating your own diagrams for science. I'm planning on making one for volcanoes!

Happy poster making! And here's to a dryer week in south central PA!

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