Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cleaning up YouTube

Showing a video from YouTube on the projector or SmartBoard can be a very interesting way to introduce or explain a concept. Sometimes, though, it can end up being a distraction because the kids get so involved in the related videos that show up along the side. Another problem is that the comments that show up underneath the video can occasionally be inappropriate. This can be solved by installing an add-on called A Cleaner YouTube to either Firefox or Chrome browsers. (It is not available for Internet Explorer, but there may be others that are out there that will work on that one) By downloading this program, you can eliminate all of the extra clutter on the YouTube site. No comments. No suggested videos. Just clean white background surrounding your video.
When you have the program installed, your main YouTube page will look like this…

And when you are showing a video, it will look like this…

Much better.

YouTube is a wonderful resource for all kinds of information. And the kids love it! This is something that will make it even more effective in your classroom!

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